Thursday, 31 May 2018

The European Citizens' Initiative Forum

Protecting workers and businesses against unfair competition

Culture at the heart

Conscious awareness

Cohesion is acting together locally

Better conditions for workers

Europe: smarter, more connected, greener, more social and closer to citizens

Monday, 28 May 2018

EU against the 10 most wanted plastic products

This week in Parliament: from posted workers' rights to anti-dumping

Single-use plastics: New EU rules to reduce marine litter

Standards for the Justice System

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Protecting your privacy: GDPR goes live

What does Cohesion Policy bring to real economy?

Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data

Our data, our control

New Data Protection Regulation is here

Our Data Protection regulation is changing the world

Friday, 25 May 2018

EU pushes for greener solutions for products

What are the challenges facing your city and how to overcome them?

My data protection rights were not respected: what should I do?

Free flow of gas at competitive prices

Competitiveness, growth and jobs in the EU

How can the EU financial sector fight climate change?

EU Fund for SMEs

Politique de cohésion après 2020

Turn the page on harmful engine pollution!

Consultation on the future of Europe

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Support for the EU is at the highest level since 1983

Helping Scottish SMEs to go circular

Smarter, greener traffic management

It takes a neighbourhood to build a city!

Customs controls

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Better regulation for the EU

A more efficient EU

Good governance for cohesion policy

Your First EURES Job

Data privacy

The General Data Protection Regulation

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Saving Europe’s bees

Debut: a short film by Dalibor Matanić

To fight for a brighter future is to fight for our children, their children, all children

Fundamental rights have always been at the core of priorities in Europe

Climate change is real, it is a serious problem and the EU is dealing with it


Thursday, 17 May 2018

Innovative Batteries for eVehicles

Did you know?

Boosting blue growth for SMEs in the Adriatic and Ionian regions

Blockchain technology: "We aspire to make the EU the leading player"

Western Balkans: connecting infrastructures, economies and people

Connected and automated mobility

Laser research in Europe set to revolutionise our lives!

EU cities are a major holiday destination

The EU Visa Information System

Who are the winners of EU Prize for Cultural Heritage 2018?

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Nanomedicine – innovative ways of treating challenging conditions

Radical closed-wing aircraft design could see greener skies take flight

Concerted EU action reduces air pollution from shipping

In front of the European Parliament in Brussels

Love organic food?

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

A renewed agenda for Research & Innovation

There will be no future of Europe without you!

If you have an idea for a new business

The State of the Union

The EU's decision-making process

Free to travel, live, study and work across borders within the EU

Monday, 7 May 2018

Facts matter: economy for real people

Future of Europe

Fight illegal hate speech online

Food quality

The EU

Concours photo 'Europe in my Region'

Pursue your passions

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Europe in my Region

Teaching Divided Histories

Europe is equipping itself with the most advanced technology to keep a lead in the global research race that is driving fields such as fundamental physics, cancer therapy or nuclear fusion

Increasing awareness of projects funded by the EU

Better car emissions tests to better protect our health, our environment, our future

This summer Europe is yours!

Assistive technology offers a helping hand

Quiz Europe in my Region

'Cool' cruising from Cork, Ireland to Tromso in Norway

Journées portes ouvertes des projets européens

Researchers tackle the growing menace of forest wildfires

Week of Regions and Cities

Time for EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics to go global

Strong growth is expected to continue in 2018 and 2019, since our economies are expanding at their fastest pace in a decade

Horizon Europe

Free and Open Source Software bug bounty

Friday, 4 May 2018

Spring 2018 Economic Forecast: Expansion to continue amid new risks

Advanced 3D models improve breast cancer detection

An EU-funded project is developing advanced three-dimensional computational and physical models of breast tumours, providing the medical community with powerful new instruments to tackle breast cancer. The initiative will reveal the possibilities for improved diagnostic techniques for detecting a disease that affects one in eight women in Europe at some point in their lives.The research, conducted in the ongoing MAXIMA project, focuses in particular on enhancing procedures and technologies to detect small and irregular-shaped tumours in dense breast tissue, which are not easy to diagnose using standard breast-cancer-screening techniques. These hidden, early-stage tumours are especially dangerous: diagnosing them early can greatly improve a cancer patient’s chances of recovery and survival.

Today's reality in Europe

EU budget: focused on the areas that matter and have an impact in the lives of all Europeans

Towards the future, beyond 2020

Self-driving cars

Facts matter: what has the Commission done on jobs, growth and investment?

Facts matter: our actions for the Single Market

Facts matter: Action for the Planet

Facts matter: building the Digital Single Market

The Horizon 2020 FRESH AIR project

Trade agreements

Journées portes ouvertes

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Ground-breaking software that automates communication between Internet-enabled digital devices

Faster testing for deadly Ebola

Facts matter

Consular protection from any EU consulate, even when your country of origin is not represented