Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Cultural heritage

Better drinking water in Croatia

The largest cohesion environmental project in Slovenia

EP work

Sunday, 24 June 2018

What are the ESIFunds data?

The European Innovation Scoreboard 2018 - How innovative is your country?

From Ireland to Croatia and back: International Jobs with EURES

How MEPs propose to fight resistance to antibiotics

Trade agreement with New Zealand

Europe in the millennium

3D printing: time to sort out the legal issues

The European economy since the start of the millennium

Spread the word about the EU election campaign

Rejoignez la campagne des élections européennes !

Solution needed for Dublin regulation

Commission helps Europe's regions become more innovative

Improving how the EU works is in your hands!

Use mobile data like at home

Birdwatchers wanted: call goes out in the Western Pyrenees

More effective methods of diagnosis and more personalised treatments

Open and fair trade agreements are on Europe’s agenda

Shape the Future of Europe!

International development cooperation

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Protecting the safety and security of citizens

Roam like at home

Comfort of life of seniors

We can travel all around Europe and still be connected: roaming fees are over! It’s been 1 year now.

Encouraging a sustainable, competitive and safe energy supply

Friday, 22 June 2018

The future EU budget: making the EU fit for its role as strong global actor

Trust in the European Union? Growing!

EU: negotiations about the free flow of non-personal data have started

3D printing makes it mark!

My career. My life.

El patrimonio cultural en Europa

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Are you 18 years old? Uup for an adventure?

Linking past and future

New solutions to shape a better future

Protecting unborn babies from Zika

Iran: MEPs criticise US for withdrawing from deal to reduce nuclear threat

The seductive power of single use plastics

Friday, 15 June 2018

Celebrating the Single Market is celebrating EU life

EU in my Region for EU funded Projects

Working to improve the diagnosis of rare diseases

Drones: new rules for safer skies across Europe

Strengthening EU security and border management system

Europe in your hands

This Union is built upon countries that decided to join destinies and shape their future together

Are you ready for an adventure?

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Regional Development and Cohesion Policy 2021-2027

Industrial transition, low carbon emissions, public services, migration challenges and cultural heritage

Cyber Defence: MEPs push for cooperation across Europe

20 renewable energy projects selected for Horizon 2020 funding

Solidarity - one of the key values in the European Union

Combating online piracy with a digital library

New EU initiative to enable young people to discover Europe by rail

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

A food packaging revolution is underway!

Connecting the public to European science

Mapping Basilicata project

Drones: new rules to ensure safe skies across Europe

Are you studying journalism?

Competitiveness, prosperity and sustainable development

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Learning through storytelling

Clean, secure and efficient energy

The future of Europe is in research and innovation

Nanoparticles: Innovation that helps fight brain tumours

Researchers to the rescue with bioplastics!

Um campus único que espelha o que é o futuro da Europa

Communicating with Young People

Sharing good practice in public procurement

Discover how the EU fights globalwarming while promoting clean energy

New Cohesion Policy

Europe’s top science funder shows high-risk research pays off

Women, the protagonists of the 2018 EU Development Days

European Youth Event 2018

Saturday, 9 June 2018

European champion of sustainable development

Plastic recycling

Europe is back on track

Let’s Beat Plastic Pollution

Better working conditions for truck drivers, anniversary of the Sakharov Prize and measures to create a safe online environment for all

Empowerment, voice and participation of women in society

EU Sustainable Energy

Saturday, 2 June 2018

For a sustainable future for Europe's Agriculture

The Grande Progetto Pompei

Schengen: the challenges facing Europe's border-free area

Tackling mileage fraud on used cars

Jobs, economy growth, investments

Erasmus: Enriching lives, Opening minds

Tobacco consumption is the single largest avoidable health risk in the European Union


Understanding the power of art on the brain

Better EU legislation