Saturday, 29 February 2020

Latvijā atjaunoti kultūrvēsturiski objekti

First webinar for EUdatathon

Historic cultural sites restored in Latvia

Espanha e Portugal testam composto orgânico para limpar a água

29 February is Rare Disease Day

Je systém Galileo zdarma?

From Berlaymont banner to beautiful bags

España y Portugal prueban un abono orgánico para la limpieza del agua

Smart Regions: TeraFood solution to overcome food waste

Spain and Portugal test organic compost to clean up water

Become a partner of the European Week of Regions and Cities

Cohesion Policy Investments on the Rise – 2019 ESI Funds Data Sets Published

From working for citizens to working with citizens – Cohesion Policy shows the way

Commission fines Spanish hotel group Meliá

Thursday, 27 February 2020

25 years of the europa website

Ex post evaluations of major projects in the transport and environmental sectors financed by the EU

Network secures new funding for life sciences in Wales and Ireland

Did you know? European satellites also help protect birds

In focus: Energy efficiency in buildings

Monday, 24 February 2020

Estonia: Conserving forests and farmlands

Free online course: Big Data and Space

A new digital strategy for Europe

Learn more about the European Citizens' Initiative

Histoires des régions: Des soins de santé transfrontaliers au bénéfice des patients

Friday, 21 February 2020

Stories from the regions: Cross-border healthcare between France and Belgium

A Europe Fit for the Digital Age

#EUdatathon 2020: innovating for Europe with EU Open Data

Learn more about Copernicus, the EU's eyes on Earth

French e-health project targets chronic inflammatory diseases

Bike riders to enjoy a scenic route along Italy’s Liguria coast

Community-minded makeover for historic houses in Cyprus

21% of EU's energy used for heating and cooling comes from renewable sources 💚

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

For a more transparent global tax system

Preserving nature, preserving our future

Smart Regions : Les résidus de raisin, source de beauté en Méditerranée

Together for Albania

Smart Regions: In Sardegna la bellezza viene da bucce, gambi e semi d'uva

New online archive provides snapshot of Austrian-Italian history

Cooperation across borders: Interreg celebrates 30 years of bringing citizens closer together

Smart Regions: From litter to cosmetics - smart use of grape waste in the Mediterranean sea basin

Shifting freight transport from road to rail in Saxony-Anhalt

Call for expression of interest for the organisation of an event on Policy Learning for Policy Makers and Capacity Building for Cluster Organisations

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Why does Europe need to limit climate change and adapt to its impacts?

Electric bikes and silent trucks to green goods deliveries

Have you heard the story of EGNOS?

Making the link between energy efficiency and property values

What does a day in the life of an EU citizen look like?

L'Europe est à vous