EU, European Union, Europe Unie, Europa Unida
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Latvijā atjaunoti kultūrvēsturiski objekti
ERAF finansēta projekta ietvaros Latvijā atjauno sešus kultūras pieminekļus un šajās vietās attīsta jaunus tūrisma pakalpojumus. Tie visi ir valsts nozīmes pieminekļi, to vidū ir gan pilis, gan pareizticīgo katedrāle.
First webinar for EUdatathon
EUdatathon 2020.
Historic cultural sites restored in Latvia
An EU-funded project in Latvia is restoring six cultural monuments of national significance (including a castles and Eastern Orthodox cathedrals) and developing new tourism services at the sites.
Espanha e Portugal testam composto orgânico para limpar a água
Investigadores em Espanha e Portugal, financiados pelo FEDER, estão a testar um composto orgânico para compreender como poderá reduzir a concentração de poluentes nas águas residuais e minorar a degradação dos solos.
29 February is Rare Disease Day
From authorising 170 medicines to the benefit of 6 million patients to investing in research on rare diseases, the EU is working on all fronts
Je systém Galileo zdarma?
Galileo je veřejná služba, která je financována Evropskou Unií.
From Berlaymont banner to beautiful bags
Recycling is good - not having to recycle is even better! The Upcycled Bags Competition organised by the European Commission Social Media and Visual Communication Unit aims at showing how the EU is truly making a change to become more sustainable and inspire citizens to do the same with items they could upcycle instead of throwing away.
España y Portugal prueban un abono orgánico para la limpieza del agua
Investigadores de España y Portugal financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) están poniendo a prueba un abono orgánico que podría reducir la concentración de sustancias contaminantes en las aguas residuales y disminuir la degradación del suelo.
Smart Regions: TeraFood solution to overcome food waste
Developing a compact and low-cost sensor that can be applied for the monitoring of the quality of packaged food.
Spain and Portugal test organic compost to clean up water
ERDF-funded researchers are testing organic compost to understand how it could reduce the concentration of pollutants in wastewater and lessen soil degradation.
Become a partner of the European Week of Regions and Cities
One month left to become a partner and contribute to shape the biggest EU event in Brussels!
Cohesion Policy Investments on the Rise – 2019 ESI Funds Data Sets Published
The cohesion policy financial data from the end of 2019 provided by national and regional programmes shows that the total volume of decided projects has risen nearly EUR 80 billion to EUR 439 billion (91% of all planned investment) in 2019.
From working for citizens to working with citizens – Cohesion Policy shows the way
Cohesion Policy wants to champion engagement of citizens. To do that, it can rely on its deeply rooted presence on the ground, direct relations with the local institutions and a genuine partnership with communities and civil society.
Commission fines Spanish hotel group Meliá
Meliá prevented tour operators from freely offering hotel accommodation everywhere in Europe.
Friday, 28 February 2020
EU reports on key socio-economic challenges for member countries
Starting with good news, poverty continues to decline on the back of good labour market conditions, but important pockets of vulnerability remain.
Thursday, 27 February 2020
25 years of the europa website
Back then, the website was available in 3 languages. Today, it is the main source of information about the EU and covers the 24 official languages of the EU.
Ex post evaluations of major projects in the transport and environmental sectors financed by the EU
By supporting large-scale transport projects, cohesion policy has made a significant contribution to improving connectivity at EU and national level and encouraged the development of sustainable transport.
Network secures new funding for life sciences in Wales and Ireland
An EU-funded life science partnership between Ireland and the UK will help the Celtic Advanced Life Science Innovation Network (CALIN) continue to develop life sciences on the west coast of Wales and the south-east coast of Ireland.
Did you know? European satellites also help protect birds
Thanks to the EU satellite navigation systems, farmers can now plot bird nests accurately in their on-board navigation system so they can drive around them.
In focus: Energy efficiency in buildings
Collectively, buildings in the EU are responsible for 40% of our energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, which mainly stem from construction, usage, renovation and demolition.
Monday, 24 February 2020
Estonia: Conserving forests and farmlands
The EU aims to be the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
Free online course: Big Data and Space
#SpaceData is as Big as #BigData can get. Find out how to extract useful information and value from petabytes of data.
A new digital strategy for Europe
Europe wants to make sure that the digital transformation works for all its citizens.
Learn more about the European Citizens' Initiative
Are you interested in shaping Europe? Do you have an idea of what needs to be done and you think legislation is necessary?
Histoires des régions: Des soins de santé transfrontaliers au bénéfice des patients
Grâce au programme Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen, les patients de la région transfrontalière n'ont plus à parcourir de longues distances car les spécialistes de l'hôpital de Dinant (Belgique) peuvent traverser la frontière et tenir des consultations au centre médical de Givet (France).
Saturday, 22 February 2020
Missed the live chat with the Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager?
You can still watch live chat here to know more about the EU's digital strategy.
Passionate about Social Rights?
The EU supports your rights in its European Pillar of Social Rights.
¿Los satélites de Galileo funcionan en todo el mundo?
Galileo, igual que el GPS, es un Sistema de Navegación por Satélite Global y se puede usar en todo el mundo.
L’installazione di un impianto fotovoltaico sul tetto del centro di accoglienza per migranti nel piccolo paese di Carfizzi, in Calabria, ha permesso al centro di offrire maggiori servizi ai propri ospiti, riducendo nel contempo i costi energetici e le emissioni di gas a effetto serra.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Stories from the regions: Cross-border healthcare between France and Belgium
In the Ardennes at the Franco-belgian border where patients on the French side have difficult access to healthcare services, the MOSAN project allows for specialist practionners from Belgium to cross the border and hold consultations in a french medical center.
A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
The EU’s digital strategy aims to make the digital transformation work for people and businesses while helping to achieve its target of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
#EUdatathon 2020: innovating for Europe with EU Open Data
#EUdatathon is back for its 4th, 2020 edition! Participate in the EU Open Data competition! Submit your proposal by 3 May 2020 🗓️ (Total prize fund 100K euros!) and present your app during the #EURegionsWeek.
Learn more about Copernicus, the EU's eyes on Earth
The Copernicus Massive Open Online Course is an online training aimed at enabling anyone to understand how to use Earth Observation data in order to address societal challenges and generate business opportunities.
French e-health project targets chronic inflammatory diseases
ERDF-funded project "Ange Gardien" in Nouvelle-Aquitaine region aims to offer better care for people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases. The project will develop digital tools and a mobile application designed for doctors.
Bike riders to enjoy a scenic route along Italy’s Liguria coast
An Interreg EU-funded network of cycle paths, being constructed in Liguria - Italy, will let residents and tourists enjoy the scenic coast by bike. As well as linking the border territory between Liguria and the Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, the project also hopes to encourage more locals to travel by bike and foot.
Community-minded makeover for historic houses in Cyprus
Two historic buildings in Cyprus previously housing poor families and now abandoned will be transformed into community spaces to promote social and cultural cohesion. Thanks to EU funding, a total area of 1 800 square metres will be redeveloped.
21% of EU's energy used for heating and cooling comes from renewable sources 💚
In 2018, renewable energy accounted for 21% of the total energy used for heating and cooling in the European Union (EU).
Una rete di piste ciclabili finanziata dal FESR, in costruzione nella regione Liguria, permetterà a residenti e turisti di godersi le vedute del litorale in bicicletta. Oltre a collegare il territorio di confine tra la Liguria e la Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra, il progetto spera anche di incoraggiare un maggior numero di abitanti, in particolare i bambini in età scolare, a spostarsi in bicicletta e a piedi.
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Le projet français d'e-santé "Ange Gardien" cible les maladies inflammatoires chroniques
Lancé dans la région française de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine, financé par le fonds européen FEDER, ce projet s’est donné pour objectif de proposer une meilleure prise en charge des personnes atteintes de maladies inflammatoires chroniques.
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
For a more transparent global tax system
The EU's list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions is helping to deliver real improvements in global tax transparency.
Preserving nature, preserving our future
With this €100 million investment the EU will help to preserve precious natural habitats, keep the air clean, and cut pollution in many lakes and rivers in Europe.
Smart Regions : Les résidus de raisin, source de beauté en Méditerranée
Peut-on transformer les résidus de raisin en cosmétique et compléments alimentaires? Les partenaires du projet européen BestMedGrape y travaillent!
Together for Albania
The European Commission is organising a donors' conference to help rebuild Albania after the devasting earthquake in November of last year.
Smart Regions: In Sardegna la bellezza viene da bucce, gambi e semi d'uva
Dall'uva non si ottiene solo vino, ma anche prodotti cosmetici.
New online archive provides snapshot of Austrian-Italian history
Thousands of photographs capturing over a decade of history in three regions of Austria and Italy have a new home online, thanks to the Interreg-funded project Lichtbild Kulturschatz Historische Photographie.
Cooperation across borders: Interreg celebrates 30 years of bringing citizens closer together
2020 marks 30 years since the start of Interreg, the EU's emblematic scheme that aims to encourage territorial cooperation across borders.
Smart Regions: From litter to cosmetics - smart use of grape waste in the Mediterranean sea basin
An EU funded project involving Italy, France, Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia is working to turn trash into a resource.
Shifting freight transport from road to rail in Saxony-Anhalt
European Commission approves public support to promote shift of freight transport from road to rail in Germany.
Tausende Fotografien, die über ein Jahrzehnt der Geschichte in drei Regionen in Österreich und Italien einfangen, haben dank des Interreg-finanzierten Projekts „Lichtbild Kulturschatz Historische Photographie“ online ein neues Zuhause gefunden.
Call for expression of interest for the organisation of an event on Policy Learning for Policy Makers and Capacity Building for Cluster Organisations
The European Commission's DG GROW invites applications from regions and cities from EU and COSME participating countries with a view to hosting a cluster policy learning and capacity building event with its European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
Pokud Váš telefon podporuje #Galileo, pak všechny aplikace používající informace o vašem umístění, budou automaticky využívat zvýšené přesnosti satelitního systému Galileo.
Grazie al progetto «Argento vivo. Fotografia patrimonio culturale» finanziato da Interreg, migliaia di fotografie che documentano oltre un decennio di storia in tre regioni dell’Austria e dell’Italia hanno una nuova casa online.
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Why does Europe need to limit climate change and adapt to its impacts?
Europe’s many regions are expected to face worsening impacts of climate change over the next decades.
Electric bikes and silent trucks to green goods deliveries
Across Europe’s cities, the demand for delivery services is increasing. But these deliveries affect urban life as they add to traffic congestion, noise and pollution and many cities are now trying out alternative modes of transport that could help.
Have you heard the story of EGNOS?
Every time you catch a flight, EGNOS ensures you reach your destination safely.
Making the link between energy efficiency and property values
Property valuation professionals can more confidently account for buildings’ energy efficiency ratings, thanks to the Horizon 2020 project REVALUE. The project analysed the valuations of 120,000 dwellings owned by housing associations in the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden and Germany.
What does a day in the life of an EU citizen look like?
The sun is rising over the mountains in the Triglav National Park. Lara is hiking on the Pokljuka plateau, near the town of Bled.
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