Friday 27 September 2024

What should EU🇪🇺 energy policy focus on in the next 5 years?⚡ more affordable prices⚡ decrease consumption ⚡ increase EU independence⚡ invest in technologies⚡ advance climate neutralitySpecial Eurobarometer 555 ⬇️!NntDgb
Make this #EuropeanDayofLanguages memorable. 🥳 Why not join a language course on #OnlineLangaugeSupport? Explore 29 languages and celebrate Europe’s diversity with #OnlineLanguageSupport. 👇
In our Union, we:🌍 Speak 24 official languages🎉 Embrace 60 regional and indigenous languages spoken by 40 million people🚀 Thrive in multilingualism, with 3 in 5 Europeans speaking a foreign languageToday we mark the European Day of Languages to celebrate the magic of language learning – the key to making connections, exploring new cultures, forging friendships and making travel a breeze!
Powering rural #Spain with solar🌞 In 87 villages, #LIFEProject LIFE JALON is installing panels to cut energy costs, lower emissions, and create jobs 💡 By 2026, they’ll generate 23GWh of clean #energy & reduce 3,452 tonnes of CO2 each year! 🌍!JCmByv #LIFEProgramme #EUGreenDeal
Equality, inclusion, and participation – universal rights we all deserve.Europe's Roma community is a vital part of our diverse society, with 10-12 million members across the EU and beyond.The mid-term report on the EU's Roma Strategic Framework 2020-2030 highlights progress in tackling discrimination, but it remains unacceptably high, holding many Roma back from reaching their full potential in society.Let's work together to build a true #UnionOfEquality that upholds these values.