Monday 10 June 2024

The Great Green Wall initiative - EU Global Gateway Flagship​The EU support to the Great Green Wall (GGW) was a pledge at the 2021 One Planet Summit to provide more than € 700 million per year on this initiative. It has now become an African Union – EU Global Gateway Investment Package Flagship. The GGW initiative seeks to re-green the region of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa from Senegal to Somalia through a mosaic of green and productive landscapes. Regreening Africa​The second phase of the initiative 'Regreening Africa' for land restoration has been announced beginning of 2024 in 7 countries of the Great Green Wall. It follows 'Regreening Africa – Phase I' which restored large areas of land for the benefit of people, biodiversity, and climate. It engaged with more than 600.000 households and brought over 350.000 hectares under restoration. Landscapes For Our FutureAnother global initiative, 'Landscapes For Our Future (LFF)' promotes Integrated landscape management (ILM), as a strategic approach to the way land and natural resources are used. It balances values, benefits, risks and trade-offs when planning and managing resource extraction, land use activities, and environmental conservation and management.Preserving soil fertility through agroecology​From another perspective, going from agriculture development to environment protection, EU DeSIRA initiative relies on science and research to develop innovation with a large range of actors in agri-food systems in developing countries. This initiative largely relies on the development of agroecology and nature-based solutions implementing results supported by research. Agroecology pushes for soil conservation and rehabilitation to contribute to innovations back-to-back with the farmers involved. to address the challenge of soil degradation.

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