Thursday, 19 July 2018

Preparing for impact: Brexit

Who benefited the most from the European Fund for Strategic Investments?

Strategic investments

Europe continues to invest locally to boost jobs and growth

1.4 million new jobs

Starting your research career, need funding?

So that money reaches and boosts the real economy, benefits real lives

Learn more about Ecoduna, one of the many projects submitted to the European Investment Project Portal

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

European Citizens’ Initiative: How much power do we have?

The search is on!

EU and Japan sign Economic Partnership Agreement

European Citizens’ Initiative: Your Initiative = Your Power

Sustainable farming

European Citizens' Initiative Forum: get in and get down to discuss real ideas

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

The EU - What it is and what it does

The EU and China: a new level of trust

What has Cohesion Policy done for Hungary?

New tram tracks destined for Riga, Latvia

1300 paid Traineeships in the European Commission: applications now open!

European Public Communication Conference

For young journalists and journalism students

Friday, 13 July 2018

Obstacles that hinders the competitiveness

Single Market: a reality for citizens and businesses who want to work, travel, shop, invest or do business across borders

Protecting seed spreaders = healthy ecosystems

What do I get from the EU?

Road Trip Project: TOP 3 things to do in Budapest, Hungary

No culture, no future!

Apply for the EU Datathon!

The project could lead to an increase in sustainability and competitiveness of the European aquaculture industry

Thursday, 12 July 2018

ESIF Venture Capital Fund

Commission promotes greater participation of businesses in regional innovation strategies

EU-Nato relations

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Learning from each other to tackle migration challenges: Schools

Progress on the EU's fight against climate change

Doing Less More Efficiently - How a better EU is possible

Collective action is the future

European Education and Training

It takes 7 EU citizens to launch a European citizens' initiative

Rules on European Cohesion Policy funds 2014-2020

Monday, 9 July 2018

Let's decide what the European Union should be

The single digital gateway

Measures against money laundering and terrorist financing

Croatia's world famous indigenous cherry

Small loans to unemployed people with a business plan

Friday, 6 July 2018

EU-engineers build autonomous underwater drone

10 years for Literature

Parliament is asking to clarify legal aspects of 3D printing

High-performance computing: the EU decides to take a step forward

What should the future of Europe look like?

EU and Citizens

The Access City Award 2019 is open for applications!

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Are you ready to change?

Choucroute d'Alsace

Les feuilles de choux sont préparées en Alsace pour devenir de la «Choucroute d'Alsace» pouvant être servie crue ou cuite. La choucroute est associée à l'Alsace depuis longtemps comme en témoigne par exemple l'étymologie et l'origine du terme choucroute en français, proche du terme alsacien Sürkrüt (sür: qui signifie aigre et krüt: chou). La fermentation naturelle permettait dès le Moyen-âge de conserver le chou durant de longues périodes. Ce légume ainsi cuisiné est ensuite consommé comme une garniture à de nombreux plats dont la fameuse choucroute garnie, accompagnée de saucisses, pommes de terre et lard. De nombreux villages organisent chaque automne leurs fêtes de la «Choucroute d'Alsace». Cette nouvelle appellation va rejoindre plus de 1430 produits déjà protégés dont la liste est disponible dans la base de données DOOR. Pour plus d'informations, voir aussi les pages sur la politique de qualité.

Migration debate: "It's an incredible scandal"

Apoios e dificuldades que os empresários encontram na criação e expansão de empresas

Doing Business in the European Union

Integrated military development

Deauville Green Awards

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

New rules to protect consumers

Nominations for the Lux Film Prize 2018

Job creation, innovative business and cooperative research

EU responds to US car imports investigation

RegioStars Awards: identifying good practices in regional development

Working to keep EU’s Customs Union going for another 50 years

A network of advisers and trained specialists that can give personalised guidance, information and advice to jobseekers and employers

Monday, 2 July 2018

The European Commission's proposal for the next EU research & innovation programme

Top 10 facts and figures on research and innovation performance in Europe

Meet the European Commission at ESOF from 9-14 July

Good news for 242 innovative SMEs!

How much does the EU cost you?

EU adopts baby rhino

Call for interest: hosting and co-organising the 4th CITIES FORUM 2019

The caribsky project extends in "The pretty month of Europe" in Guadeloupe

Powering Slovakian households with renewable energy

Latest statistics on migration

Better social housing for Greek districts

Economic and Monetary Union, a modern and fair long-term budet, migration